Saturday, December 19, 2009

How much Black Powder can be transported in your car when going to Rendezvous and shooting matches in Oregon.?

There has been concern that the transportation of Black Powder when going to shooting matches may in fact be a violation of Oregon state law.How much Black Powder can be transported in your car when going to Rendezvous and shooting matches in Oregon.?
was born and raised in those there hills, would surely disappoint alot of hunters to hear that. if u can purchase it at your local bi mart store its legal. there are laws from carring to much im sure, but anything under a 5 pd can is ok.How much Black Powder can be transported in your car when going to Rendezvous and shooting matches in Oregon.?
As far as I know, the limit is far in excess of any amount you may want to carry. I think the legal limit is 50 pounds. I belong to a black powder gun club and we have brought back as much as 2 cases of black powder from Friendship. As far as I know, we never violated any laws in doing so.
Oregon law states: 480.050 Prohibition against intrastate transportation of explosives in passenger vehicle operated by common carrier; exception. No person shall transport, carry or convey, or have transported, carried or conveyed, any dynamite, gunpowder or other like explosives, between any places in Oregon, on any car or other vehicle of any description operated by a common carrier which car or vehicle is carrying passengers for hire. However, it shall be lawful to transport on any such car or vehicle small arms, ammunition in any quantity, such fuses, torpedoes, rockets or other signal devices as may be essential to promote safety in operation, and properly packed and marked samples of explosives for laboratory examination, not exceeding a net weight of one-half pound each and not exceeding 20 samples at one time in a single car or vehicle. Such samples shall not be carried in that part of a car or vehicle which is intended for the transportation of passengers for hire. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the transportation of military or naval forces, with their accompanying munitions of war, on passenger equipment, cars or vehicles.

Please note this is in reference to a ';common carrier'; NOT to a private car.

Also, Federal law states: ';Black Powder is regulated as an explosive (1.1D in 100 lbs or over, 4.1 in under 50 lbs if DESIGNED FOR SPORTING USE IN CONJUNCTION WITH SPORTING ARMS. All states allow the possession explosives in conjunction with sporting use.';

This tells me that BP is not even considered an explosive unless it's in quantities over 50 lbs.

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