Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What- in brief- are the laws regarding black powder shooting in the UK?

Do you need a license to buy or own a black powder hand gun or rifle, such as a reproduction musket or the famous 'Ruger Old Army'?

Do you need a license to purchase black powder itself?

Do you have to shoot at a recognised society/ shooting range?

Thanks.What- in brief- are the laws regarding black powder shooting in the UK?
1. This Act may be cited as ';The Explosives Act, 1875.';

3. This Act shall apply to gunpowder and other explosives as defined by this section. The term ';explosive'; in this Act-

(1) Means gunpowder, nitro-glycerine, dynamite, gun-cotton, blasting powders, fulminate of mercury or of other metals, coloured fires, and every other substance, whether similar to those above-mentioned or not, used or manufactured with a view to produce a practical effect by explosion or a pyrotechnic effect; and

(2) Includes fog-signals, fireworks, fuzes, rockets, percussion caps, detonators, cartridges, ammunition of all descriptions, and every adaptation or preparation of an explosive as above defined.


General Law as to Manufacture and Keeping of Gunpowder

4. The manufacture of gunpowder shall not, nor shall any process of such manufacture, be carried on except at a factory for gunpowder either lawfully existing or licensed for the same under this Act.

Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to the making of a small quantity of gunpowder for the purpose of chemical experiment and not for practical use or sale.

If any person manufactures gunpowder or carries on any process of such manufacture at any place at which he is not allowed by this section so to do, he shall be deemed to manufacture gunpowder at an unauthorised place.

Where gunpowder is manufactured at an unauthorised place-

(1) All or part of the gunpowder or the ingredients of gunpowder which may be found either in or about such place or in the possession or under the control of any person convicted under this section, may be forfeited; and

(2) The person so manufacturing shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred pounds a day for every day during which he so manufactures.

5. Gunpowder shall not be kept at any place except as follows; that is to say,

(1) Except in the factory (either lawfully existing or licensed for the same under this Act) in which it is manufactured; or

(2) Except in a magazine or store for gunpowder either lawfully existing or licensed under this Act for keeping gunpowder; or

(3) Except in premises registered under this Act for keeping gunpowder.

Provided that this section shall not apply-

(1) To a person keeping for his private use and not for sale gunpowder to an amount not exceeding on the same premises thirty pounds; or

(2) To the keeping of gunpowder by a carrier or other person for the purpose of conveyance, when the same is being conveyed or kept in accordance with the provisions of this Act with respect to the conveyance of gunpowder.

Any gunpowder kept in any place other than above in this section shall be deemed to be kept in an unauthorised place.

Where any gunpowder is kept in an unauthorised place-

(1) All or any part of the gunpowder found in such place may be forfeited; and

(2) The occupier of such place, and also the owner of, or other person guilty of keeping the gunpowder, shall each be liable to a penalty not exceeding two shillings for every pound of gunpowder so kept.


Black Powder

Black powder can only be bought and stored if you have an Explosives Certificate and a Health and Safety Executive (HSE) ';Recipient Competent Authority Transfer Document'; (these are free at present but must be applied for on forms obtainable from the police - Pyrodex (a black powder substitute) can be obtained without any certification. You may only store a maximum of 30 kilos of powder but as it is relatively expensive, doesn't have an indefinite shelf life and is potentially dangerous, this shouldn't worry you at all. It is worth bearing in mind however that the 30 Kg total would also include any powder in loaded rounds and/or shotgun cartridges and even in primers!



you would need a license for the gun also.

YOu must have the gun licenese first then apply for the certificate to buy - keep-- store

blackpowder Form COER 1 or COER 1A

in the UK this is handled by the local police force. - they may require to visit the premises where the weapon is kept as well as verify that you are a suitable person.

Most forces have a web site that you can check onWhat- in brief- are the laws regarding black powder shooting in the UK?
Please be advised that the legislation cited above was repealed in 2005 and is no longer good law! Report Abuse

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